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Send You A Copy Of Ftl For Mac

FTL shares many similarities with roguelikes, especially in that you can't save and load your game easily. However, you can save and quit. Sometimes I get into a really good position and then die due to some random bad luck. Occasionally I'd like to experience an event multiple times to see what the outcome is. It would be nice if I could somehow save state and restore later if I choose.

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Is it possible to back up this save file and restore it later? Where is it stored? Is there anything in particular I would have to do to the file in order for it to be recognized by the game? For Windows Users: You can use this script to load/save your game (See the code below). Just copy the script into a text file with your favorite text editor.

Then save it in a.bat file like LauncherFTL.bat then put this file into your game folder.

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The input of templates is a bunch of named variables that you usually provide as a Map (the Map entries will be the variables) or as a JavaBean (the JavaBean properties will be the variables). The variable values can be simple strings, numbers and such primitive values, but also lists, maps, or arbitrary Java objects whose methods you can call from the template. Note that when accessing JavaBean properties, myObject.myProperty syntax should be used instead of myObject.getMyProperty.